Gain / Offset change: Normalization, Uniformization, Lookup table mapping
Thresholding: Automatic thresholding, Min residue, max entropy, isodata, Manual thresholding; Single threshold (absolute and relative), Double threshold, Histogram-based threshold
Statistics: Measurement of Area, Binary moments, Weighted moments, Gravity center, Pixel count and pixel statistics, Minimum and maximum gray-level value, Average, variance and standard deviation
Elimination of the interlaced images artifacts by rebuilding or re-aligning fields
Feature point detectors: Harris corner detector, Canny edge detector
Other operations: Overlay, Scalar gradient
EasyImage Description
EasyImage includes operations usually performed as pre-processing steps to improve the image quality and obtain a good contrast between the background and the objects to be inspected.
EasyImage supports gray-level and color images. Selected morphology functions are also optimized for binary (1-bit per pixel) and bi-level images.
EasyImage includes numerous image processing functions, such as enhancement and restoration by linear or non-linear filtering, arithmetic and logic operations, geometric transformations for image registration, histogram analysis for thresholding, projection